Key Facts About Acacia
- National Firm with offices coast to coast
- Registered Municipal Advisor with the SEC and MSRB (with Co-President who served on the MSRB Board of Directors)
- Registered as a Women Business Enterprise (WBE) with the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council and in numerous states
- Wholly-owned and managed by team of Shareholders
- Strong national presence and reputation across the U.S.
- Ranked among the top FAs in the nation

Dollars & Cents Focus With Heart & Soul Devotion
Acacia is an independent, women-owned firm providing comprehensive financial advisory services to governmental entities since 2006.
Acacia was formed with the conviction that governmental entities would benefit from the services of a financial advisory firm that not only has expertise in the issuance of debt but is also cognizant of the policy concerns unique to the public sector.
Acacia is registered as a municipal advisor with the Securities Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (“MSRB”).
Acacia is a fully independent financial advisor, unrelated and unaffiliated with any broker dealer, thereby eliminating any inherent conflict in serving only the interests of our clients. As an independent financial advisory firm, Acacia is free from the potential conflicts that can arise in the buying and selling of municipal securities.
Under Dodd Frank, municipal advisors have a federal fiduciary responsibility to their clients. Acacia’s Co-President, Noreen P. White, served as a member of the MSRB for four years, and in an industry challenged by heightened regulation and public scrutiny, Acacia’s insight can be an invaluable tool to any governmental issuer.