
Acacia knows how to get things done

Acacia advises a wide variety of governmental clients, ranging from large, complex state agencies to local level issuers.  We have provided services in connection with the development and implementation of detailed plans of finance including the execution of traditional financings for new money and refunding transactions, complicated multi-series refunding and restructuring transactions and short and long-term products.

Acacia has extensive experience in the various complexities of negotiated and competitive financings and has tailored our services to best serve our clients. Acacia professionals have developed comprehensive cash-flow, tax impact and user rate models, assisted with the development and compilation of rating agency and investor presentations and provided advice relating to the structuring and financing of long-term debt management plans.

Snapshot of Acacia clients by Client Sector

To speak to an Acacia Employee, please call
our main office at 856-234-2266.

Acacia Financial Group offers financial guidance to government and public entities.
Acacia Financial Group offers financial guidance to government and public entities.